Transition to High Schools
Moving from primary to high school can be a daunting experience for young learners. The transition comes with new routines, new peers, new teachers, and a new environment. The change can be overwhelming, and learners may experience fears, anxieties, and worries. To address these concerns, Scripture Union South Africa (SUSA) has created a lifeskills programme called It’s Your Move: Your High School Survival Guide.
The programme aims to help Grade 7 learners transition to high school with confidence, believing that they can thrive in the new environment. The guide encourages learners to consider that Jesus is always with them and can make a difference in their lives. While It’s Your Move comes from a Christian perspective, it is suitable for learners of all faiths or none.
It’s Your Move provides helpful information and advice for children moving schools. It includes real-life stories of children who are about to make the move and those who have already done it. The guide features puzzles, quizzes, and places to personalise the book through doodles, signatures, and photo pages. SUSA asks schools to set aside time to deliver the programme to Grade 7 learners in the third or fourth term before exams start.
The transition from primary to high school is not simple. Learners must make new friends, cope with increased workloads, and manage more independently. The choices they make during this period of adjustment will set the course for their high school careers. It’s Your Move helps to support them in this transition and guides them into making good choices.
It’s Your Move covers the issues of concern for young learners, including getting to school, doing homework, and finding their way around. The programme also addresses some of the more difficult aspects of life at high school, such as making friends and bullying. By preparing learners with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate their new environment, It’s Your Move helps learners to move to high school with confidence, knowing they can survive and thrive.
With the help of It’s Your Move, learners can approach the transition to high school with confidence and resilience. By equipping learners with the skills and knowledge they need, SUSA’s lifeskills programme helps learners make good choices and navigate the challenges they will face at high school.